A small playgroup, with a maximum of 16 children, to ensure your child does not feel intimidated or overwhelmed like they would in a larger nursery. The Lollipop Tree Educational Playgroup was established in 1996 by Amanda Coetzer a qualified nurse. It is run from her home in Randpark Ridge for children between 18 months and 4 years, children with special needs will be considered. The Educational Playgroup is open from 7am to 2pm, and children are cared for by two teachers and a helper. Breakfast and a healthy, cooked lunch is provided as well as refreshments.
The educational programme that we offer will stimulate and improve the fine motor, gross motor, auditory and social skills of your little one. All our activities work together to prepare the child for preschool and the greater world out there.
Potty training commences at age 2 years and is based on patience, caring and understanding of each child’s development pace.
We have a large, safe playground for the children to enjoy and spend some time outside, playing with others.
Our classroom is where they can play inside, create artwork masterpieces and do class work to stimulate learning.
Little ones learn from older ones and older ones learn patience and care of younger children. Together all ages benefit.